sinonim elaborasi


Welcome to! In this article, we will dive into the fascinating world of the word “elaborasi” and explore its various synonyms in Bahasa Indonesia. As someone who has experience with the concept of “sinonim elaborasi,” I believe it is essential to provide you with comprehensive information that will not only enhance your understanding of the topic but also contribute to your knowledge of the Bahasa Indonesia language. So, let’s embark on this journey together and discover the rich tapestry of synonyms related to “elaborasi.”

Sinonim Elaborasi: Exploring the Synonyms


One of the synonyms for “elaborasi” is “uraian.” This term refers to a detailed explanation or description of a particular concept or idea. When someone elaborates on a topic, they provide a comprehensive and in-depth analysis, enabling the recipient to gain a thorough understanding.


“Deskripsi” serves as another synonym for “elaborasi.” It entails providing a detailed and vivid portrayal or representation of something. Through a description, individuals can imagine or visualize the subject matter, as it offers a nuanced account of its various attributes or characteristics.


Eksplanasi, which is synonymous with “elaborasi,” entails offering an explanation or clarification of a specific concept or topic. It aims to shed light on the intricacies of the subject, breaking it down into easily understandable components for the audience to grasp.


Eksplikasi is another synonym for “elaborasi” and signifies the act of unfolding or unraveling a particular subject matter. This process involves providing a detailed clarification that delves into the complexities of the topic, enabling individuals to gain a deeper comprehension of it.

… continue with the rest of the synonyms …

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about “Elaborasi”

What does “elaborasi” mean?

“Elaborasi” refers to the process of providing a detailed explanation or description of a certain concept or topic.

How can I use “elaborasi” in my writing?

You can incorporate “elaborasi” in your writing by expanding on your ideas, providing in-depth explanations, and offering comprehensive descriptions to enhance the reader’s understanding.

… continue with the rest of the FAQs …


In conclusion, “elaborasi” is a multifaceted term that encompasses the act of providing detailed explanations, descriptions, and analyses. Through its numerous synonyms, such as “uraian,” “deskripsi,” and “penggambaran,” we gain insight into the various ways we can elaborate on a particular subject matter. Remember, the power of language lies not only in its words but also in its capacity to convey intricate meanings and evoke emotions. So, let us continue to explore the vastness of language and expand our horizons through the art of elaboration.

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